


Kerberos Authorization Directory


Heimdal configuration

It is extremely easy, just adding a database definition specifying the basedn for the principals to be created.

database = {
       dbname = ldap:ou=Kerberos,ou=Applications,dc=organization,dc=com
#      mkey_file = /var/lib/heimdal-kdc/m-key
#      acl_file = /etc/heimdal-kdc/kadmind.acl

The KDC stores all the principals on the configured basedn, and is only able to search below that point. To get a cleaner tree, we just use the specific basedn until we initialize the realm. Once the basic pricipals are created, we modify dbname to point to the top of the LDAP tree (dc=organization,dc=com), remembering that any principal created using kadmin will be located also at the top of the tree.
NOTE: At least on version 0.7.2, when the server is started, a log file is created on the current directory, named as dbname variable, that can be safely removed.

At least on debian etch, the builtin default for the ACL file is /var/heimdal/kadmind.acl, although the packaged file is located at /etc/heimdal-kdc. If this is the case or we just want to locate the access control file in a differente location, we need to use the acl_file tag.

Extra principals

Besides the basic principals created during realm initialization, we will add an extra principal to perform administrative work. Using kadmin to create principals is usually not a good idea, but in this case we have the Administrator user already created during the KAD initialization. What we will do is just to make it visible for KDC, adding the required attributes

objectClass: krb5Principal
objectClass: krb5KDCEntry
krb5PrincipalName: Administrator@ORGANIZATION.COM
krb5KDCFlags: 126
krb5KeyVersionNumber: 0
This effectively turns any LDAP entry into a principal, and now we can set the password using kadmin as usual.

The same process can be applied to the any other entry (as nss-proxy) just modifying the krb5PrincipalName attribute. For the ldap service and any other host based service, the principal name must fit on a fixed scheme. Most of the kerberized servers and clients expect service principals in the form service/fqdn, where service is the service name (ldap in this case) and fqdn is the complete DNS name of the server (
A simple script to kerberize any entry searching by uid is available.

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